Fusion 360 - E106

Fusion 360 Tutorial

Fusion 360 Tutorial - Exercise 106


The Tutorial video : https://bit.ly/3lOwxfT

Download the pdfs Here:

In this tutorial we'll use the features:

1. Surface Revolve : creates a surface by revolving a selected profile or model geometry around an axis. 2. Thicken : add thicken to surface 3. Extrude : add or removes material from the part. 4. Hole : Creates a hole based on user-specified values and selections 5. FIllet : creates a rounded internal or external face on the part. 6. Mirror : Creates a copy of a feature, (or multiple features), mirrored about a face or a plane. You can select the feature or you can select the faces that comprise the feature. Select a body in a single model or multibody part to create a mirror entity. 7. Revolve : creates a body by revolving a selected profile or model geometry around an axis. 8. Circular pattern: Duplicates faces, features, bodies, or components an arranges them in an arc or circular pattern 9. Chamfer: The chamfer tool creates a beveled feature on selected edges, faces, or a vertex. 10. Loft: The loft feature creates a shape by making transitions between multiple profiles and guide curves. This tool is very valuable for modeling complex surfaces. 11. Combine: Performs boolean operations between solid bodies.

All dimensions are in mm/g/s/ISO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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