Fusion 360 - E111

Fusion 360 Tutorial

    Fusion 360 Tutorial - Gear Pump - Connect Spacer

Gear Pump - Connect Spacer

A  gear pump is a type of positive displacement pump that is commonly used in hydraulic systems to generate fluid flow. It operates by trapping a fixed amount of fluid between the gear teeth and the pump housing and then forcing it out of the outlet as the gears rotate.

The gear pump consists of two intermeshing gears, which rotate in opposite directions. One gear is the driving gear, while the other is the driven gear. As the gears rotate, the fluid is trapped between the gear teeth and the pump housing and is transported to the outlet port.

The Tutorial video : https://youtu.be/9XTs0LlMRIU
You can Download Step by Step here. http://bit.ly/3J1iay4

In this tutorial we'll use the features:
1. Extrude: add or removes material from the part. 2. Fillet: creates a rounded internal or external face on the part.
All dimensions are in mm/g/s/ISO ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

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